The first reviews of Somerset Museum Rag are in:
From PDN Gear Guide

"These days, 100 percent cotton papers are all the rage because they can give your photos an artful look and feel. In fact, the texture of cotton papers is so pleasing, it's almost a shame to put these prints behind glass.
Moab has added a 100 percent cotton Museum Rag to its venerable Somerset line of art papers and we guarantee you'll want to fondle your photos as soon as they come out of the printer. (Just don't touch the ink until it dries.)
We got excellent dynamic range with superior D-MAX using Somerset Museum Rag; our blacks in both color and black-and-white prints had the most detail of all the papers we tried. At 300gsm, this is a heavy paper that soaks up the ink but without blotching the results. Though matte papers sometimes produce flatter images, color in our prints of classic Le Mans racecars really popped.
Though cotton papers can produce unpredictable photographic results because of their inconsistent surfaces, Somerset Museum Rag is produced by St. Cuthberts Mill in England using a traditional cylinder mould machine which has created an exceedingly smooth texture on the paper. Consequently we'd recommend using this paper for a range of photo prints: anything from portraits to landscapes to macro work."